Jesse Felix

Front-End Developer

I’m a Front-End Developer based in Los Angeles, California. My journey in web development has been fueled by a genuine passion for creating seamless online experiences.

I’ve honed my skills, from coding elegant designs to bringing user-friendly interfaces to life. Feel free to reach out – I’m always up for a new challenge!



Javascript Interfaces

Small websites interactions to full scale interactive projects. Making button clicks work and moving screens slide. Learn More

Management Systems

From lean files to big databases, a timeline of scaling projects to handle ever growing complexities. Learn More

Layout Garden

A collection of responsive layouts. Building out the internet is complicated... so let’s start a module at a time. Learn More


At Steady Studio, I'm deeply engaged in diverse projects, constantly exploring new horizons. Simultaneously, I collaborate with Perpetual Education, where I'm immersed in the world of software engineering. My background in business finance gives me a unique perspective, blending analytical thinking with creative problem-solving, which adds an exciting twist to my software engineering journey.

When I'm not coding, I'm all about staying active and keeping things lively. You'll often find me hitting the gym or some other physical activity. I'm also big on staying tuned in to the latest music trends, always looking for that next great track to keep me going!

Let’s connect! Check out some of my links.

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You can also find me on Linkedin or Twitter.